January 17, 2025


Fire Ne Demek

Tom yangın merdiveninden aşağıya indi. - Tom climbed down the fire fire ne demek escape. When a neuron fires, it transmits information. Yangın hamamda başladı. - The fire started in the bathhouse. The brakeman had to help the fireman shovel coal into the firebox as the engineer coaxed his locomotive up grade.

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Tom'u kovmak kimin fikriydi. - Whose idea was it to fire fire ne demek Tom?. Ateşleme pimi çıkarıldı. - The firing pin's been removed. He answered the questions the reporters fired at him. İtfaiye, yangını önledi. - The fire brigade prevented a fire. That preacher gave a real fire and brimstone sermon!.

İtfaiyeci yangını kısa sürede söndürdü. - The fireman soon put the fire out. She should fire the employee who stole from the company. Ateşleme fire ne demek pimi çıkarıldı. - The firing pin's been removed. İstediğim kişiyi işten atmakta haklı olduğumu düşündüm.

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O, evimizi ateşe vermekle tehdit etti. - She threatened to set our house on fire. She felt she was standing in front of a fire hose of instructions, trying to absorb them all with a sponge. Tom'u işten atmak için otoritem yok. - fire ne demek I don't have the authority to fire Tom.

You launch him into the air with fire ne demek a quick press on the fire button, trying to pass over bombs as you fly.

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Yangın durumunda itfaiyeyi ara. - In case of fire, telephone the fire station.

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Sami fire ne demek silahı ateşlemeye başladı. - Sami started firing the gun. Tom çabucak silahını yeniden yükledi ve ateş etti. - Tom quickly reloaded his gun and fired. The band went out to fire up the crowd before the game. İtfaiye gelmeden yangın sonraki binaya yayıldı. - The fire had spread to the next building before the firemen came.

They fire the wood to make it easier to put a point fire ne demek on the end. It was long a question of debate, whether the burning of the South Side ghetto was accidental, or whether it was done by the Mercenaries; but it is definitely settled now that the ghetto was fired by the Mercenaries under orders from their chiefs.

Polisler arabanın fire ne demek lastiklerine ateş ettiler. - The policemen fired at the car's tires. Tom kedi yavrusu bir ağaçta sıkıştığı zaman itfaiyeyi aradı. - Tom called the fire brigade when his kitten got stuck up a tree.

Fire Teriminin İngilizce İngilizce Sözlükte Anlamı

fire-engine fire ne demek red. İspanyol ilk olarak ateş etti. - The Spanish fired first. Yangınlar bu alanda her zaman olur. - Fires happen all the time in this area. Ateş maşasıyla işaret parmağımı yaktım. - I burned my forefinger on fire tongs.

We sat around the fire singing songs and telling stories. Ateş olmayan yerden duman çıkmaz. - There is no smoke without fire.

Ateşin parıltısını millerce görebildiniz. - You could see the glow of the fire for miles. Islak odun fire ne demek iyi yanmaz. - Wet firewood doesn't burn well.

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Tom eski itfaiyenin hemen yanında yaşamaktadır. - Tom lives right by the old fire station.

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